International Journal of Innovative Horticulture: Considering the needs for dissemination of science based knowledge among scientists for the furtherance of horticulture science on request of members from across the country and abroad, it was felt essential to bring out a journal. Accordingly, an International Journal of Innovative Horticulture (IJIH) was started. Peer reviewers are of national and international repute. The first issue of the journal was launched by His Excellency, Governor of Karnataka at Bangalore. The Journal published by CHAI, has an international look and shall consider original papers on multi-disciplinary aspects. The journal is published bi-annually. The types of papers include Research, Reviews, Case studies, New cultivars and new technologies, Commentaries and opinions, Policy issues, Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, Book Reviews, Features, Colloquia and Workshops. The 5 volumes have been published and the NAAS also enlisted the Journal with the rating of 2.87. 6th volume (2017) of the Journal is in process of publication.
Volume 2, Number 2, 2013
Lactic acid fermentation of horticultural crops: Global
perspectives 101
Didier Montet and Nadine Zakhia-Rozis
Propagation of edible Dioscorea species in vitro 111
Archana Mukherjee, A. Poddar and K. Pati
Prediction of microsatellites and the annotation of repeat
sequences in partial coconut genome 117
R. Manimekalai and K.P. Manju
In vitro mutation studies in native varieties of banana 122
Veena Rathod and G. Prabhuling
Effect of water regime, mulch and reflectant on
flowering, fruiting and yield of ber (Ziziphus mauritiana
Lamk.) cv. Mundia 127
S. Mukherjee, Sunil Pareek and R. Paliwal
Regeneration potential of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii
Bolus) cv. Quote using in vitro techniques 132
Sailendri K. Patra and Sashikala Beura
Damage and distribution of red banded mango caterpillar
(RBMC), Deanolis albizonalis (Hampson) ( Lepidoptera:
Pyralidae) – An emerging pest in Eastern India 137
H.S. Singh
Development and evaluation of soil-test-based
fertilizer tailoring equations for Ney Poovan and
Nendran bananas 142
K.J. Jeyabaskaran, M.M. Mustaffa and V. Murugan
Influence of leaflet age on leaf nutrient content for
developing leaf sampling technique in litchi cv. Shahi
and China 149
Babita Singh, K.L. Chadha and Vijay Singh
Studies on comparison of onion (Allium cepa L.)
genotypes for quantitative traits 153
R.K. Singh, P.K. Gupta and R.P. Gupta
Validation of fertilizer prescription equation of banana
in Inceptisol 159
A. D. Kadlag, S. D. Kale and S. M. Todmal
Studies on callus culture in native varieties
banana 163
G. Prabhuling and Veena Rathod
Rejuve nation i n mango c v. Ke sar and
Rajapuri 166
N.L. Patel, S.J. Patil, B.V. Padhiar, K.A. Patel and
N.B. Patel
Volume 2, Number 1, 2013
Forecasting of potato late blight 1
B. P. Singh and Sanjeev Sharma
Horticultural (high value agricultural) crops
diversification in eastern India: I – Geographical-agro-
socio-ecological and economical aspects and constraints
analysis 12
R.P. Singh
Horticultural (high value agricultural) crops
diversification in eastern India: II – Employment
opportunities and income generation strategies 28
R.P. Singh
Vermicomposting- A technology for waste management
and recycling and its relevance to horticulture 44
Rajni Singh, Arti Nigam, Geeta Verma and Rachana Kapila
Modified and simple regeneration pathway from male
flower bud of banana (cv. Nedu Nendran AAB) via somatic
embryogenesis 52
S. Uma, A. Akbar, M. S. Saraswathi and K. Udhayaanjali
Soil test crop response correlation studies for yield
targeting of banana in Inceptisol 59
A.L. Pharande, A.D. Kadlag, S.D. Kale and S.M. Todmal
Efficiency of different potato (Solanum tuberosum L) cross
combinations in late blight resistance breeding 63
Vinay Bhardwaj, AK Srivastava, Sanjeev Sharma, Vinod
Kumar, SK Kaushik and BP Singh
Genetic association analysis for yield and quality traits
in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) 70
Adhi Shankar, R.V.S.K. Reddy, M. Sujatha and M. Pratap
Study of a biological ovipositional deterrent, Myco-
Jaal®, a commercial oil based formulation of
Beauveria bassiana for enhanced Management of
Terphid Fruit Flies 78
Prabhat Kumar, Malvika Chaudhary, Sachin Gowda
S.K. Ghosh, M.S. Prabhakara and Pai-Po Lee
Clarification of mango juice by Aspergillus niger
cellulase using response surface methodology 84
Devendra Kumar, Kaushlesh K. Yadav, Neelima Garg,
Muthukumar M and Achal Singh
Determining the important growth parameters and
critical stage for indirect selection of amaranth
(Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.) 91
Madhu Patial, R. Sood, A. Chauhan and K.P.Singh
Evaluation of different types of packages for road
transportation of papaya 95
S. Bhuvaneswari and C.K.Narayana
Volume 1, Number 2, 2012
Vermicompost and vermiwash add beneficial micro
flora that enhance soil quality and sustain crop
growth 93
Murali Gopal, Alka Gupta and George V. Thomas
Optimization of Multiplex RT-PCR assay for detection
of potato viruses and viroid with elongation factor
1-ααααα (ef1ααααα) as internal control 101
A. Jeevalatha, S. K. Chakrabarti, Sanjeev Sharma,
R. Baswaraj and B.P. Singh
Fertilizer management of cauliflower (Brassica
oleracea var. botrytis) as influenced by method of
raising seedlings, depth of placement and doses of P
using 32 P-labelled superphosphate 107
S. C. Kotur
Recycling coconut leaf-agro wastes mixture using Eudrilus
sp. and growth promotion properties of coconut leaf
vermicompost 113
George V. Thomas, C. Palaniswami, Murali Gopal and
Alka Gupta
Genetic polymorphism in Indian strains of
Xanthomonas campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae,
mango bacterial canker disease pathogen 119
Rupesh Kumar Mishra, B. K. Pandey, Ashutosh Pandey,
Muthukumar M. and R. Kishun
Evaluation of INM in citrus (Nagpur mandarin):
Biometric response, soil carbon and nutrient
dynamics 126
A.K. Srivastava, Shyam Singh, and A.D. Huchche
Evaluation of compatibility and effect of Trichoderma
harzianum and Pseudomonas fluorescens against
disease complex of tomato 135
R. Manoj Kumar, M.S. Rao, J. Gavaskar and
D.S. Sowmya
RAPD –based genetic diversity studies and correlation
with morphological traits in Senecio species of
Northern parts of Western Ghats 144
H. P. Sumangala, K. Manivannan, A. S. Sidhu and
R. Venugopalan
Influence of low temperature storage techniques on
post-storage quality of rose cut flowers var.
Passion 151
Alka Singh, R. J. Makwana and B. D. Mangave
Growth promotion and management of Alternaria leaf
spot in chilli by Trichoderma harzianum 158
Alok K. Srivastava, Ram Nageena Singh, Sudheer Kumar,
Prem Lal Kashyap and Dilip K. Arora
Yield and quality improvement of mango through drip
irrigation coupled with polyethylene mulching under
high density planting 164
V.K. Singh, Manoj Kumar Soni and Anurag Singh
Evaluation of bio-efficacy of Pochonia chlamydosporia
(Verticillum chlamydosporium) 1% W. P. against
Meloidogyne incognita on okra in different
agro-climatic regions 168
M. S. Rao, Kusum Dwivedi, S. P. Tiwari, M. K. Chaya,
R. Manoj Kumar and T. N. Shivananda
Volume 1, Number 1, 2012
Research Articles
Pesticide-free plasticulture for sustainable vegetable
production in the context of climate change
Prabhat Kumar 1
Diversity analysis of Alternaria porri (Ellis) Cif- causal
organism of purple leaf blotch of onion
P. Chowdappa, H. Sandhya and B. Reddi Bhargavi 11
Variation among guava (Psidium guajava L.)
accessions in seed hardness associated with fruit
S. Rajan, L.P. Yadava and Ram Kumar 18
Evaluation of critical limits and development of leaf
nutrient standards in litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.)
Babita Singh and K.L Chadha 24
Ball Milled Nanosized zeolite loaded with zinc sulfate:
A putative slow release Zn fertilizer
K.S. Subramanian and C. Sharmila Rahale 33
Aonla pomace as substrate for endoglucanase
production using Trichoderma harzianum
Devendra Kumar, Neelima Garg, M. Muthukumar and
Kaushlesh K. Yadav 41
Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship
among small cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum
Maton.) cultivars and related genera using DNA
K. Nirmal Babu, V.N. Jayakumar, Minoo Divakaran,
M.N. Venugopal, M.R. Sudarshan V.V. Radhakrishnan,
S. Backiyarani, M.M. Narayanaswami, K.V. Peter and
V.A. Parthasarathy 47
Genome specific primers: A tool for genetic profiling
of potato species
Virupaksh, U. Patil, G. Vanishree, S. Sundaresha, Vinay
Bhardwaj, S.K. Chakrabarti and B.P. Singh 57
Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers for
identification of germplasm and diversity analysis in
coconut (Cocos nucifera L)
R. Manimekalai 63
Chromatographic fingerprinting and estimation of
organic acids in selected Garcinia Species
Utpala Parthasarathy, O.P. Nandakishore, R.Senthil
Kumar, K.Nirmal Babu, T.J. Zachariah and V.A.
Parthasarathy 68
Effect of sub lethal dose of insecticides on
electrophysiological and behavioural response of
Bracon brevicornis Wesmael (Braconidae :
Hymenoptera) a parasitoid of coconut black headed
caterpillar, Opisina arenosella Walker
(Oecophoridae: Lepidoptera)
Kesavan Subaharan, Charles Sahayaraj, A.R. Prasad and
N. Ravikumar 74
Zinc nitrate derived nano ZnO: Fungicide for disease
management of horticultural crops
Prasun Patra and Arunava Goswami 79
Short Communications
Analysis of growth related traits in turf grasses in
Namita and T. Janakiram 85
NRCSS Ani-1 — A new variety of anise
S.K. Malhotra 87
Book Reviews 90