Volume 2, Number 1, 2013
Forecasting of potato late blight 1
B. P. Singh and Sanjeev Sharma
Horticultural (high value agricultural) crops
diversification in eastern India: I – Geographical-agro-
socio-ecological and economical aspects and constraints
analysis 12
R.P. Singh
Horticultural (high value agricultural) crops
diversification in eastern India: II – Employment
opportunities and income generation strategies 28
R.P. Singh
Vermicomposting- A technology for waste management
and recycling and its relevance to horticulture 44
Rajni Singh, Arti Nigam, Geeta Verma and Rachana Kapila
Modified and simple regeneration pathway from male
flower bud of banana (cv. Nedu Nendran AAB) via somatic
embryogenesis 52
S. Uma, A. Akbar, M. S. Saraswathi and K. Udhayaanjali
Soil test crop response correlation studies for yield
targeting of banana in Inceptisol 59
A.L. Pharande, A.D. Kadlag, S.D. Kale and S.M. Todmal
Efficiency of different potato (Solanum tuberosum L) cross
combinations in late blight resistance breeding 63
Vinay Bhardwaj, AK Srivastava, Sanjeev Sharma, Vinod
Kumar, SK Kaushik and BP Singh
Genetic association analysis for yield and quality traits
in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) 70
Adhi Shankar, R.V.S.K. Reddy, M. Sujatha and M. Pratap
Study of a biological ovipositional deterrent, Myco-
Jaal®, a commercial oil based formulation of
Beauveria bassiana for enhanced Management of
Terphid Fruit Flies 78
Prabhat Kumar, Malvika Chaudhary, Sachin Gowda
S.K. Ghosh, M.S. Prabhakara and Pai-Po Lee
Clarification of mango juice by Aspergillus niger
cellulase using response surface methodology 84
Devendra Kumar, Kaushlesh K. Yadav, Neelima Garg,
Muthukumar M and Achal Singh
Determining the important growth parameters and
critical stage for indirect selection of amaranth
(Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.) 91
Madhu Patial, R. Sood, A. Chauhan and K.P.Singh
Evaluation of different types of packages for road
transportation of papaya 95
S. Bhuvaneswari and C.K.Narayana
Volume 2, Number 1, 2013
Forecasting of potato late blight 1
B. P. Singh and Sanjeev Sharma
Horticultural (high value agricultural) crops
diversification in eastern India: I – Geographical-agro-
socio-ecological and economical aspects and constraints
analysis 12
R.P. Singh
Horticultural (high value agricultural) crops
diversification in eastern India: II – Employment
opportunities and income generation strategies 28
R.P. Singh
Vermicomposting- A technology for waste management
and recycling and its relevance to horticulture 44
Rajni Singh, Arti Nigam, Geeta Verma and Rachana Kapila
Modified and simple regeneration pathway from male
flower bud of banana (cv. Nedu Nendran AAB) via somatic
embryogenesis 52
S. Uma, A. Akbar, M. S. Saraswathi and K. Udhayaanjali
Soil test crop response correlation studies for yield
targeting of banana in Inceptisol 59
A.L. Pharande, A.D. Kadlag, S.D. Kale and S.M. Todmal
Efficiency of different potato (Solanum tuberosum L) cross
combinations in late blight resistance breeding 63
Vinay Bhardwaj, AK Srivastava, Sanjeev Sharma, Vinod
Kumar, SK Kaushik and BP Singh
Genetic association analysis for yield and quality traits
in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) 70
Adhi Shankar, R.V.S.K. Reddy, M. Sujatha and M. Pratap
Study of a biological ovipositional deterrent, Myco-
Jaal®, a commercial oil based formulation of
Beauveria bassiana for enhanced Management of
Terphid Fruit Flies 78
Prabhat Kumar, Malvika Chaudhary, Sachin Gowda
S.K. Ghosh, M.S. Prabhakara and Pai-Po Lee
Clarification of mango juice by Aspergillus niger
cellulase using response surface methodology 84
Devendra Kumar, Kaushlesh K. Yadav, Neelima Garg,
Muthukumar M and Achal Singh
Determining the important growth parameters and
critical stage for indirect selection of amaranth
(Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.) 91
Madhu Patial, R. Sood, A. Chauhan and K.P.Singh
Evaluation of different types of packages for road
transportation of papaya 95
S. Bhuvaneswari and C.K.Narayana