Executive committee of ChaI

The CHAI has high level committee for the governance

Chief Patron
Dr. R.S. Paroda,

Former Secretary, DARE & Chairman, TAAS,
New Delhi
Email: raj.paroda@gmail.com
Dr. C.D. Mayee,
Former Chairman, ASRB, New Delhi and Chairman,
AFC Ltd., Mumbai

Donor Patron
Mr. Ashok Jain,
Chairman, Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd.
Jalgaon, Maharastra
Founder & Chairman
Dr. H.P. Singh,
Former DDG (Horti.), ICAR & Founder and Chairman, Confederation of Horticulture Assocations of India, New Delhi
Co-Chairman of CHAI Dr. D. R. Singh,
Vice Chancellor,
BAU, Sabour
Co-Chairman of CHAI Prof. Ajeet Kumar Karnatak,
Vice Chancellor, MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Dr. A. K. Singh,

Vice-Chancellor, RLBCAU, Jhasi, Uttar Pradesh
Co-Chairman of CHAI
Dr. Major Singh,
Member, ASRB, DARE, MoAFW, New Delhi
Secretary General
Dr. H. Chaudhary

Principal Scientist, Vegetable science P, IARI, New Delhi
Dr. Dinesh Humar

Head, Division of Food Technology, IARI, New Delhi
Dr. Babita Singh, STC, NRAA, MoA&FW,
New Delhi
Members of Executive Committee
Members of Executive Committee
Mr. Ajit B Jain
Managing Director, JISL, Jalgaon
Dr. Chiranjivi Chaudhary,
Commissioner (Horti.), A.P.
Dr. Jai Singh Parihar,
Former Director, ISRO,
Dr. Arjun Singh Saini,
Director General, Horticulture Department, Directorate of Horticulture, Udhyan Bhawan, Sec-21, Panchkula, Haryana
Dr. K. K. Kumar,
Former VC, Dr. RPCAU, Bihar
Dr. Chandeshwar Tiwari,
GBPAU&T, Pant Nagar, UK
Dr. Prabhat Kumar,
HC, GoI, MoA&FW, New Delhi
Dr. T. K. Bahera,
Director, ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi, UP
Dr. Vijay Mahajan,
ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar, Pune, Maharashtra
Dr. K. V. Prasad,
Director, DFR, Pune, Maharashtra
Ms. Priyam Singh,
A2/34 Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi
Dr. Prakash Patil,
Project Coordinator (Fruits), IIHR, Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore
Dr. Bir Pal Singh,
Former Director, CPRI, Shimla Advisor, JISL, Jalgaon
Dr. D. K. Roy,
Director, Seeds and Chief Scientist, Agronomy, DRPCAU, Pusa, Bihar