1) Dr. H. P. Singh, The Founder and Chairman, Confederation of Horticulture Associations of India, (CHAI) 249, D block, Sector 18A, Dwarka,110078, New Delhi [Tel: Res. 09871450730; Mobile 91-9582898983 Email: hpsingh50@gmail.com; confedhorti@gmail.com].
2) Dr. Bir Pal Singh, Office: Ex- Director, Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla 171 001 (H.P.), Resi. 1, Type V, CPRI Colony, Green Park, Khalini, Shimla 171 002 (H.P.), Mob.: 09882702000, Email: birpals53@gmail.com
3) Dr. Mathura Rai, Ex-Director, IIVR, 1/36, Rashmi Khand, Sharda Nagar, Lucknow-226002, Mob. 09450786967, E-mail: mathura.rai@gmail.com
4) Dr. S. K. Malhotra, Agriculture Commissioner, Govt. of India, Ministry of Agriculture. Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, 238, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110001, Mob.: 91-9968978191, E-mail: malhotraskraj@yahoo.com
5) Association for Improvement in Production and Utiliz ation of Banana (AIPUB, Trichy), President, Association for the Improvement in Production and Utilization of Banana C/o NRC Banana, Thyanur Post, Thogamalai Road, Tiruchirapalli-620102, 0431-2618106, Email: gen.secretary@aipub.in
6) Indian Society of Ornamental Horticulture, President, Indian Society of Ornamental Horticulture, c/o Division of Floriculture and Landscaping, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-110012, Mob: 09968978191 E-mail: malhotraskraj@yahoo.com,
7) Indian Potato Association, President, Indian Potato Association, c/o CPRI, Shimla-171001 (HP), Tel: 0177-2625073 E-mail: potatojournal@gmail.com, Website : www.cpri.ernet.in
8) Indian Society for Plantation Crops, President, Indian Society for Plantation Crops c/o CPCRI, Kasaragod–671 124, Kerala, Phone:04994-232894, secretary@ispc.in,ispcjpc@yahoo.com
9) Indian Society for Spices, President, Indian Society for Spices (ISS), c/o Indian Institute of Spices Research, Post Bag No. 1701, Marikunnu Post, Calicut - 673012 (Kerala) Mob. 09447132294, Tel.0495-27317794 (O) Email: iss@spices.res.in; isscalicaut@gmail.com
10) Dr. Shailendra Rajan, Office: Director, CISH, Lucknow-227107. Resi. H.No. 4/135, Vikas Khand, Gomtinagar, Lucknow-2260 10, Phone: (0522) 2841022 (O), Fax: (0522) 2841025, Mob: 09415794997, E-mail: srajanlko@gmail.com.
11) Dr. (Mrs.) Neelima Garg, Head, Division of Postharvest Management, CISH, Rehmankhera, P.O.Kakori, Lucknow-227107, Mob: 09415786633, Tel: 0522-2841023, Extn.2152 (Office), Email: neelimagargg@rediffmail.com.
12) Dr. R. P. Singh, Director, Directorate of Seed & Farms, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi-834006 (Jharkhand) e-mail: rishipalbau@yahoo.com
13) Dr. Krishan Pal Singh, Principal Scientist, Division of Floriculture and Landscaping, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-110012, Mob: 09910611599.
14) Dr. S. B. Dandin, Ex-Vice Chancellor, UHS, Bagalkot-587102, Karnataka, Mob. 09686873737Email: dandinbnm@gmail.com.
15) Dr. D. P. Ray, Former Vice-Chancellor, Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology (OUAT), Principal Advisor to President, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan University (SOAU), Bhubaneswar- 751 019, Odisha, Tel: Off. (0674) 2350635/2350791; Res. (0674) 2475093, Cell: 07381036054, 09437040057 Fax: (0674) 2350642, Email: dpray1949@gmail.com
16) Dr. S. Arulraj, Office: Ex Director, Directorate of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi- 534450, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh. Tel. 08812-259409, Mob.: 09491198244, E-mail: arulraj_cpcri @yahoo.co.uk.
17) Dr. Babita Singh, Consultant, NITI Ayog, GOI & Former Professor of Horticulture and Horti-Business, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, Mob: 07042241985 Email: drbabita9@yahoo.com.
18) Prof. (Dr.) Nazeer Ahmed, Vice Chancellor, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir Shalimar. Tel: 194-2305044 (Off.), 09419011774, Mobile: 09419011774. E-mail: dnak59@rediffmail.com
19) Dr. Bijendra Singh, Office: Professor & Head OIC, Vegetable Section , Department of Horticulture, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut - 250110, U.P., Mobile No. 09412631295, 09412701340; Email:drbijendrasingh66@gmail.com.
20) Dr. H. P. Sumangala, Scientist, Division of Ornamental Crops, IIHR, Bangalore, Mobile No. 09844086745, E-mail: sumangala@iihr.ernet.in; sumasiddharth@gmail.com
21) Dr. Ramesh Kumar, 236, Ashapuri, Street No.- 04, Barewal Road Ludhiana-141012 Punjab, M: 08860002495 E-mail: rameshuk19@yahoo.com
22) Prof. (Dr.) Vishal Nath, Director, National Research Centre on Litchi, Mushahari farm, Muzaffarpur-842002, Bihar, 09431813884, vishalnath66@rediffmail.com
23) Dr. Prakash Patil, Project Coordinator (Tropical Fruits) Unit, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore 560089, Ph: 91-80-28466080 (O),91-80-28565722 (R),Mob: 094490-65722; E-mail: pnp@iihr.ernet.in;pnp@iihr.res.in
24) Dr. P. Rethinam, Plantation Crops Management Specialist 18, Lakshmi Nagar, S.N. Palayam Coimbatore-641007, Tamil Nadu, Phone: 91-422-2430832 (home) Mob: 91-9443751386; Email:palms02@hotmail.com , palms002@yahoo.com; dr.rethinam@gmail.com
25) Dr. R. Manimekalai, Senior Scientist (Biotechnology), Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore-641007, TN, Phone: 0422- 2472986 (O), 09495340503, E-mail: rmanimekalaiicar@gmail.com
26) Dr. Anil Kumar, Prof. & Head, Department of Molecular Biology & Genetic Engineering, College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar 263 145 Uttarakhand. Mob: 09411195450 E-mail: ak_gupta2k@rediffmail.com
27) Dr. A. K. Srivastava, Principal Scientist (Soil Science), NRC Citrus, Nagpur-440010, 09422458020, aksrivas2007@gmail.com
28) Dr. George V. Thomas, Office: Ex Director, Central Plantation Crops Research Institute (ICAR), Vettimoottil house, Vakayar P.O., Konni, Pathanamthitta Dist., Kerala, Phone: 04682245492, Mobile: 9446051847, E-mail: georgevthomas@yahoo.com, georgevthomas52@gmail.com
29) Dr. Sudha Mysore, Principal Scientist (Ag. Economics), IIHR, Hessarghatta, Bangalore, Tel: 28466420, E-mail: sudhamys@gmail.com
30) Dr. Surinder Kumar Kaushik, Principal Scientist (PB), Germplasm Evaluation Division, ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Pusa Campus, New Delhi - 110 012, Mob. (8287286113), E-mail: surinderkumark@yahoo.com; surinder.kaushik1@icar.gov.in.
31) Dr. T. Janakiram, ADG, Division of Horticultural Sciences, ICAR, KAB –II, Pusa Institute, New Delhi-110012.Tel: 011-25843805, +91-9013201615., Email: tolety07@gmail.com; janakiram.kab@gmail.com
32) Dr. Bijendra Singh, Project Coordinator, AICRP on Vegetable crops, IIVR, Jakhini, Varanasi-221305, Mob: 09450653946, E-mail: bsinghiivr@gmail.com
33) Dr. P. L. Saroj, Director, Directorate of Cashew Research, Darbe, PO: Puttur, Dakshina Knnada-574202, Karnataka. Mob: 9013889653, E-mail:plsaroj@yahoo.co.in
34) Dr. Anil B. Patil, Anil B Patil, Jain Irrigation Systems Limited, Jain Hills, Jalgaon-425001; Email: patil.anil@jains.com
35) Shri Kalyansing B. Patil, 23,Vidyut Nagari Housing Society, Mahabal Road, Jalgaon -425001.Tel: 0257-425002 .Mobile:09422774941.E-mail: patil.kalyansing@jains.com
36) Jain Irrigation Systems Limited, Jain irrigations Sys., Jain Plastic Park, N.H. No. 6, Jain Hills, P.O. Box: 72, Jalgaon-425001, MS (India), Tel.: +91-257-2258011; Fax: +91-257-2258111 E-mail: jisl@jains.com;ajit@jains.com, Website: www.jains.com.
37) Late Dr. Ramesh Chandra, (12 February, 1950- 6 April, 2016). CHAI pays tribute to Dr. Ramesh Chandra and place on record his services to the nation. He made very valuable contribution to horticultural biotechnology. May God bring eternal peace to departed soul.
38) Dr. S.K. Zamir Ahmed, Office: FCHAI, FASA Principal Scientist & Head I/C, Social Science Section; Coordinator, Out Reach Centre ICAR-Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), P.B.#181, Port Blair-744101 Andaman & Nicobar Islands; Fax: 03192-251068; Phone: 09434262869 (M); Email- zamir562@yahoo.com
39) Dr. D. R. Singh, Director, ICAR- NRC for Orchids, Pakyong, East Sikkim-737106 Phone: +91-3592-257954 (Office), 91-3592-202939 (Resi.), Mobile No.: +91-9434264404, Email: drsingh1966@rediffmail.com; drsingh1966@gmail.com, drsinghhr66@hotmail.com.
40) Dr. Manoj Kumar, Joint Director, ICAR-CPRI Regional, ICAR-Central Potato Research Station, Patna-801506; Phone +91-612 2224218, Mobile +919431079920, Email: manojkumar0105@gmail.com
41) Late Dr. Rajesh Kumar, (5th August, 1961to April 2016). CHAI pays tribute to Late Dr Rajesh Kumar, and prays God for eternal peace and heavenly abode to departed soul. We also place on the record the services done by Dr. Kumar for the litchi growers.
42) Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Principal Scientist (Horticulture) ICAR-Central Citrus Research Institute, PB No. 464, Shankar Nagar, Amravati Road, Nagpur-440010 (Maharashtra), Phone: 09423073752, Email: dineshcnc@gmail.com.
43) Dr. Lallan Ram, Director, CIH, Medziphema, Nagaland, Phone: 9423404432. Email:lallanram@gmail.com
44) Dr. I. P. Singh, Office: Principal Scientist (Hort.), NRC for Citrus, P.B.No. 464, Shankar Nagar, Amravati Road, Nagpur –440010, Resi: Ajinkya Apt., Plot-164, Nelco Society, Naik Layout, Subhashnagar, Nagpur, Maharashtra -440022 : Ph. No. (O) : 0712-2500813, 2500249, 0712-224049, 8 Fax: 0712-2500813,Mob.-09403929145, E-mail:indrapalsingh27@ gmail.com
45) Dr. P. Chowdappa, Director, Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Kudlu, P.O. Kasaragod, Kerala-671124, Mob: 09916355932. E-mail: pallem22@gmail.com
46) Dr. Gorakh Singh, Ex-Horticulture Commissioner, Department of Agriculture Co-operation, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110001, Tel: 011-2338102, Email: gorakh.singh@nic.in; gorakh_singh@yahoo.co.in
47) Shri Govind Dhamapurkar, PO Isapur (KH), Katol, Dist. Nagpur –441302, Maharashtra, Phone: 0922726174, E-mail: govindhamapurkar@rediffmail.com.
48) Dr. J. Subramani, Head, Crop Improvement Programme, World Noni Research Foundation, Bangalore-560093, Mobile: 09845236969 E-mail: subramanijogi@gmail.com,subramani_jogi@hotmail.com
49) Dr. Sunil Pareek, Associate Professor (PHT), Department of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences, National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM), (Deemed University under Ministry of Food Processing Industries), Plot No. 97, Sector 56, HSIIDC Industrial Estate, Kundli 131028,Sonepat, Haryana, India, Phone: (Phone:0130-2281201; +919414821483(M); +917056721483, E-mail; spareekhort@gmail.com;sunilpareek.niftem@gmail.com
50) Dr. Prem Narain Mathur, Office: Regional Representative, Central and South Asia. Bioversity International – India, G-1, B-Block, NASC Complex, DPS Marg, Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012. Tel: +91-11-25849000, Mob: 91-9811167404, Email: p.mathur@cgiar.org.
51) Dr. V. J. Shivankar, Ex-Director, NRC Citrus, Nagpur-440010, Mob: 09422988418, E- mail: citrus8_ngp@sancharnet.in
52) Dr. M. C. Singh, Principal Scientist, Division of Floriculture and Landscaping, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012, Mob: 0989906628, E-mail: mamsingh@gmail.com;mcsingh@iari.res.in
53) Society for Promotion of Oil Palm Research and Development, President, Society for Promotion of Oil Palm Research and Development, c/o Directorate of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi-534450, West Godavari, A.P., Tel: 08812-259532, E-mail: sopoprad@gmail.com,
54) Dr. J. C. Rajput, Director, Research & Development, Nirmal Seeds Pvt. Ltd., Pachora, Jalgaon (MS), Tel: 02596-244366, 244396, E-mail: drjcrajput@nirmalseedsindia.com, jcrajput@rediffmail.com.
55) Dr. S. K. Chauhan, Chief Technical Officer, ICAR, Hort. Division, KAB-II, Pusa campus, New Delhi-110012, 9818556847, skcicar@gmail.com.
56) Society for Promotion of Horticulture, President, Society for Promotion of Horticulture, c/o IIHR, Hessarghatta, Bangalore - 560089, Tel: 080-28446140, 080-28466420, Emailjhs@iihr.ernet.in,sph@iihr.ernet.in.
57) Prof. (Dr.) V. S. Devadas, Office: Professor of Horticulture & Associate Director of Research (Seeds), Directorate of Research, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur-680 656. Phone: (0487) 2438104, Fax: (0487) 2370019, Mob: 09446277809, E-mail: vsdevadas@yahoo.com.
59) Dr. Ramesh Chandra Srivastava, Vice Chancellor, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agriculture University, Pusa Samastipur, 848125, Bihar, 06274-240226 (O) Mob: 09040033323, ramesh_cari@yahoo.co.in
60) Dr. D. V. S. Raju, Principal Scientist, Directorate of Floricultural Research, Pune. Mob.09899632980, E-mail: rajivalex@gmail.com.
61) Dr. Kishan Swaroop, Principal Scientist, Division of Floriculture and Landscaping, IARI, New Delhi-110012, Resi: H. No. 431-432, First Floor, B-5, Sector-5, Rohini, Delhi-110085. Phone: (011) 25841929 (O), Mob: 09999492774, E-mail: kishan.swaroop@rediffmail.com
62) Dr. Ritu Jain, Senior Scientist, Division of Floriculture and Landscaping, IARI, New-Delhi, Mob: 9968349413 E-mail: ritujain.uhf@gmail.com
63) Dr. T. Vasantha Kumar, 1334, 18th Main road, HBR Layout, V Block , Bangalore 560043, Mob: 9480580088, E-mail: kumarthuppi17@gmail.com
64) Dr. M. A. Suryanarayana, Senior Scientist (Horticulture), IIHR, Hessaraghatta, Bangalore-560 089; Phone: (080) 28466420, 21, 22, 23, 24 (O), Fax: (080) 28466291, Mob. : 09480425827, E-mailsurya@iihr.ernet.in
65) Dr. V. K. Singh, Principal Scientist, CISH, Lucknow 227107. Residence: C-1/198, Vishesh Khan, Gomtinagar, Lucknow 226012. Phone: +91-522-2841024, +91-522-2721088 (R), Fax: +91-522-2841025, Mobile: +91-9450661668. E-mail: singhvk_cish@rediffmail.com
66) Dr. Kaliaperumal Manivannan, Head, Department of Horticulture in the Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, Phone: 09443424901, E-mail: manihorti@yahoo.co.in
67) Dr. V. B. Singh, Prof. & Head, Department of Horticulture, School of Agriculture and Rural Development, Medziphema Campus- 797106, Nagaland, Mob: 09436018409, E-mail: vbs_horti04@rediffmail.com
68) Dr. S. I. Hanamashetti, Dean, K.R.C. College of Horticulture, Arabhavi-591 310, Taluk Gokak, Dist. Belagavi, Karnataka, India, Resi: Plot No. 69, K.C. Nagar, Near DCC Bank, Solapur Road, Bijapur-586 103 Mobile: 09449872860, Phone: 08332-293436 / 284506, E-mail: shanamashetti@rediffmail.com.
69) Dr. V. A. Parthasarathy, Former Director and Emeritus scientist, Indian Institute of Spices Research, Calicut- 673 012, Kerala, India; 09447173162, Email: vapartha@gmail.com
70) Dr. A. K. Singh, Principal Scientist (Hort.), CISH, Rehmankhera, P.O. Kakori, Lucknow -227107, Mob: 9450020315, E-mail: singhakcish@gmail.com.
71) Dr. (Ms.) Anju Bajpai, Principal Scientist (Genet. & Cytogen.), CISH, Rehmankhera, P.O. Kakori, Lucknow-227107; Tel: 0522-2617879, Email: anju.bajpai@gmail.com
72) Dr. M. S. Ladaniya, Director, NRC for Citrus, P.B.No. 464, Shankar Nagar, Amravati Road, Nagpur-440010, Ph: 0712-2500813; Mob: 9422831082 email: msladaniya@gmail.com
73) Dr. P. S. Naik, Ex- Director, IIVR, Falt No. 505, building A-6, Kumar Pinnacle Tadiwala Road Pune-411001, Maharashtra, Mob: 9418023852; 07620931614; E-mail: naikps1952@gmail.com;naikps@yahoo.com
74) Dr. Namita, Scientist (SS), Division of Floriculture and Landscaping, IARI, New-Delhi-110012, Ph.: 011-25841929; E-mail: namitabanyal@gmail.com
75) Dr. H. Ravishankar, Ex-Director, Central Institute of Subtropical Horticulture, Rehmankhera, Lucknow, Mob: 09450931855, E-mail: drhravishankar@gmail.com
76) Dr. James George, Director (Act.) & Project Coordinator, AICRP-Tuber Crops, CTCRI, Thiruvanthpuram,-695017, Ph.: 0471-2590071, Mob: 09447111289, Email: jgkarott@gmail.com, aicrptc@yahoo.co.in
77) Dr. K. Bhanupr Akash, Senior Scientist, Seed Technology, IIHR, Hesarghatta, Bangalore, Ph: 09845175341, E-mail: kbp_iihr@yahoo.co.in.
78) Late Mr. Sreekant S. Mehta, 256, Advaita Ashram Road, Fairlands, Salem - 636 016, Salem District, Tamilnadu State, South India. (Ph: 0427- 24481 30, Fax: 2448969, Email: sreekantmehta@gmail.com,amlagrowers@gmail.com. He left un in October 2021, CHAI pays tribute to Shri Sreekant S. Mehta and place on record his services to the cause of horticulture in general and Aonla crop in particular.
79) Dr. A.B. Rai, Head, Division of Vegetable Protection, IIVR, Varanasi Indian Institute of Vegetable Research PO: Jakhini (Shahanshapur) Varanasi–221305, U.P., INDIA, Ph: 0542-2635247, Mob: 09415483807, E-mail:abraiiivr@gmail.com.
80) Dr. Kantipudi Nirmal Babu, Project Coordinator (Spices), IISR, Marikunnu Post P.B. No. 1701, Kozhikode - 673 012, Kerala. Ph: 0495-2731410; Fax: 0495- 2731187, Residence: ‘Brindavan’, Near Maniyanchery Illom, Iringadanpalli Road, Chevayur P.O. Kozhikode-673017, Kerala; Ph: 0495-2355038, Mob: 9447331455; E-mail: nirmalbabu30@hotmail.com E-mail: nirmalbabu@spices.res.in;
81) Dr. B. M. C. Reddy, Vice Chancellor, YSR Horticultural University Andra Pradesh. Res: #141, 7th ‘A’Main, 3rd stage, 4th block, Basaveswaranagar, Bangalore-560 079, Karnataka, Ph: 91-80-28446851, 91-80-23489568, Fax: 91-80-28446851, Mob: 09448069568/ 09845566446; E-mail: bmcreddy@gmail.com.
82) Dr. M. Anandaraj, Ex Director, Indian Institute of Spices Research, Calicut–673 012, Kerala. Chairman, R&D Committee, International Pepper Community, Residence: “Madhoovan”33/3938A, Adjacent to KSHB Colony, Malaparamba, Kozhikode -673009. Mobile: 09447132294, E-mail: arajiisr@gmail.com
83) Dr. T. John Zachariah, Director (Acting) Indian Institute of Spices research, Marikunnu, P.O, Calicut (Kozhikode)-673012, Kerala, Ph: 0495-2731410, Fax: 0495-2731187, Mob;09446071410, E-mail: zacjohntj@gmail.com,john@spices.res.in
84) Dr. A. K. Mishra, Project Coordinator, AICRP-Subtropical Fruits, CISH, Rehmankhera, Lucknow, Tel: 0522-2841115, E-mail: pcstflko@gmail.com
85) Dr. M. Jawaharlal, Dean, College of Horticulture, TNAU, Coimbatore, Mob: 09442126242, E-mail: jawaharflori@yahoo.com, jawaharrose@gmail.com.
86) Dr. Balaji S. Kulkarni, Professor& Head (FLA), Deptt. of Floriculture & Landscape Architecture, KRC College of Horticulture (UHS, Bagalkot), Arabhavi-591218, Tq. Gokak, Distt. Belagavi, Karnataka, Mob: 09449384950 E-mail: baljikrcch@gmail.com
87) Dr. Laxminarayan Hegde, Prof. & Head, Horticultural Research and Extension Station, P.O. Box No.23, Banavasi Road, Sirsi-581401 Karnataka, Tel: 08384-226797/247787 Cell: 08762189133 Res: At & PO. Boppanalli, Sirsi-581 358 (Uttar Kannada Dist.), Karnataka Ph: 08384-268824, E-mail: hegdelax@gmail.com
88) Dr. H. P. Maheswarappa, Office: Project Coordinator (Palms), All India Coordinated Research Project on Palms, CPCRI, Kasaragod, Kerala-671124, Kerala. Ph: 04994 -2332733, Mob: 09495103236, Res: Flat No. G3, Sai Residency II, Kulur Ferry Road, Chilimbi, Ashok Nagar post, Mangalore, Karnataka, E-mail: maheshcpcri@gmail.com
89) Dr. V. Ponnuswami, Office: Ex-Dean, Horticultural College and Research Institute, Periyakulam 625 605, Mob: 9489056723, 9442228048; E-mail: swamyvp2002@yahoo.co.in, swamyvp200259@gmail.com
90) Dr. N. L. Patel, Dean, ASPEE college of Horticulture and Forestry, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat - 396 450, Mob: 09825539385, E-mail; deanachf@gmail.com, nlpatelnau1559@yahoo.co.in.
91) Shri Datuk Ir. G Ramakrishnan, Konsultant Proses Sdn Bhd 44, Jalan SS15/4D, 47500 Subang Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Mob: (603) 5633 4088 / 6636. E-mail: konpro@po.jaring.my.
92) Shri K. Chidambara Manickam, Assistant General Manager, Auro Mira Energy agri consultant, Krishna Agri Clinic Location, Tirunelveli Area, India.
93) Dr. S. S. Singh, Programme Coordinator G.B.P.U, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Dehradun, Mob: 09761969696; 08475001596, Email: kvkdehradun@gmail.com; sssindia02@gmail.com
94) Late Dr. Sanjay Singh, Head, Central Horticultural Experiment Station, (CIAH-ICAR), Godhra-Vadodara Highway, Vejalpur-389340, Panchmahals (Gujarat), 09427228635, Email: sanjaysinghicar@gmail.com. Left us on April 22, 2021, CHAI pays tribute to Dr. Sanjay Singh and place on record his services to the nation.
95) Dr. Abraham Verghese, Director, National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Insects, PB No: 2491, H. A. Farm Post, Bellary Road, Bangalore, India, Tel:080-23511982/23511998, E-mail: directornbaii.icar@gmail.com.
96) Noni Biotech Ltd., Noni BioTech, 12, Rajiv Gandhi Road, Chennai-600096, Tamil Nadu. India., Phone: 044 24545401/2/3/4, Mobile: +91 9381050574, 093828 68073, Fax : 044 24545406 Email: pipeter@divinenoni.com.
97) Aonla Growers Association of India, 256, Advaita Ashram Road, Fairlands, Salem-636 016, Salem District, Tamilnadu State, South India. (Ph: 0427-24481 30, Fax: 2448969, Email: sreekantmehta@gmail.com
98) Dr. S. K. Chakrabarti, Director, ICAR-Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla-171 001, Himachal Pradesh, Mob: 09400014400, Email: skc_cpri@yahoo.co.in, chakrabarti.sk@icar.gov.in
99) Dr. H. S. Singh, Head, CHES-IIHR, PO Aiginia, 751019, Bhubaneswar-Odisha, 09437635736, Email: singhhs21@rediffmail.com
100) Dr. Arvind Kumar Bakhshi, Ex Vice Chancellor of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut, 132 D, Kitchlu Nagar, Ludhiana –141 001, Punjab, Mob: 09814203946 Email: vc_2010@rediffmail.com
101) Dr. P. C. Lenka, Professor, Fruit Science, Orissa University of Agriculture and technology, Bhubaneshwar (Odisha), Ph: 09437164830, E-mail: lenkapc@rediffmail.com
102) Dr. Prabhat Kumar, Director, Asian Center of Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture Intensification (ACISAI), Asian Institute of Technology, PO Box 4, KhlongLuang 12120, Pathumthnai, Thailand, Mob: Mobile : +66-860978283 Tel: +66-2-524-5827 Fax: +66-2-524-5828, Email:pkipm@ait.asia,pkipm@yahoo.com.;
103) Dr. Anil Kumar Shukla, Head, RRS, CAZRI, Pali, Rajasthan, Mob: 08763069468, 9799271082 Phone/Fax 02932 256098/ 258578 , E-mail: anilciah@yahoo.com; anilciah@gmail.com
104) Dr. P. Venkatarami Reddy, Senior Scientist (Entomology), Division of Plant Genetic Resources, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore-560089, Phone: 91-80-28466420 Ext 383; Fax: 91-80-28466291, E-mail: venkatpoluru@yahoo.com
105) Dr. Kariyanna, Hitkari Horticulture Foundation Plot No 31/1A 8th Main, Triumallapa Nagar,Attur Layout, Yelahanka New Town, Banglore- 560106, Tel: 080-28462484, 09845218724, Email: hithkariplants@gmail. com, kariyana@hithkariplants.com, http://www. hithkariplants.com
106) Shri Mrinal Goel, Westville Publishing House, 47, B-5, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi –110063; Tel: 011-25284742, Telefax: 011-25267469, Mobile: 0-9868124228; Email: westville_2002@yahoo.co.in; website: www.westvillepublishing.com
107) Dr. V. M. Reddy, 203, Lohit Apartments, Hyderguda, Himayat Nagar, Hyderabad- 500029 Tel. 9160583399, vmreddy@gmail.com
108) Dr. Dilip K. Arora, Vice-Chancellor, SK University of Agric. & Technology, Jammu, Tel: 0191-2263714
109) Dr. Bhuwon Sthapit, Regional Project Coordinator/In situ Conservation Specialist, Bioversity International, Office for South Asia, National Agricultural Science Centre, DPS Marg, Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110012, India; Tel: 011-25849000, 25849001, 25849004; Email: b.sthapit@cgiar.org,bhuwonsthapit@gmail.com
110) Dr. Sinnasami Nadasan, Chief Operating Officer, Mission Biofuels India Pvt. Ltd. Khorda, Orissa, India (Bhubaneswar Area, India).