Volume 13, Number 1, 2024
Integrating legumes in advancement of horticulture: 1
Current and future perspectives
Gómez Herrera, Melanie , Chaves, Guadalupe, Traffano
Schiffo, Ma. Victoria, Gómez, Andrea and Avanza,
Ma. Victoria
Digital citriculture: Soil fertility and plant nutrition 8
A.K. Srivastava
Unfolding the nutritional and health benefits of 26
dragon fruit (Selenicereus spp.): A review
Kundan Kishore, Ankita Sahu and Pallavi Jha
Exogenous ethylene induced degreening in colour 40
development of citrus fruits: An overview
Heiplanmi Rymbai, V.K. Verma, H.D. Talang,
M.B. Devi, R. Teja, D. Rymbai and J. Mawlein
Ionome composition and interactions in ‘Golden 49
Delicious’ apple trees on calcareous soils
Mohammad Saeed Tadayon, Kobra Saghafi and Seyed
Majid Mousavi
Effect of fertigation scheduling for growth, yield 59
and quality of mango (cv. Langra ) in Kymore
plateau of Madhya Pradesh
T.K. Singh and Akhilesh Kumar
Efficacy of integrated management on control 63
of citrus decline: A case study
Javad Sarhadi, Saber Heidari, Mehri Sharif and Seyed
Majid Mousavi
Graft- take success in walnut under controlled 69
conditions of Kashmir Valley
Rifat Bhat and Sharbat Hussain
Evaluation of organic nutrient management 79
practices on cabbage yield, nutrient uptake and
soil properties
Uttam Shivran, S.S. Lakhawat, Monu Choudhari, Ayushi
Jain and Gajendra Chawla
Effect of blanching time, slice thickness and 81
drying temperature on antioxidant activity and
curcumin content of turmeric rhizome
(var. Salem)
Ravina G. Parmar and Mukesh N. Dabhi
Exploring the Phytophthora-induced gummosis 89
in mature Nagpur mandarin (Citrus reticulata
Blanco) orchards in central India
U. R. Sangle, Pralay Ambagade and A.K. Das
Effect of gibberellic acid and salicyclic 93
acid on growth and yield of statice
(Limonium sinuatum)
Varsha T. Chaudhari, Shalini A. Badge, Ommala
Kuchanwar, Seema A. Thakre and Anup Gadekar
DRIS norms for identification of yield limiting 96
nutrients in acid lime orchards of Viajaypura
district of Karnataka
Ambareesh Nemu Jadhav, B. Savita, R.B. Negalur,
G.R. Rajkumar, M.S. Heena and S.S. Anjum