Vol 11 Number-1 2022
Volume 11, Number 1, 2022
Seventy five years of research and development 1
in genetic resources of horticultural crops
S. K. Malik, Manuj Awasthi and Anuradha Agrawal
Fruit breeding in India: Achievements and way 11
B.N.S. Murthy, M. Sankaran and P.S. Nitin
Seventy five years of research and development 24
in arid fruit crops
P.L.Saroj, D.K.Sarolia and B.D.Sharma
Papaya research and development in India 36
- a review
M.R. Dinesh, Vasugi, C. and Pradeep Kumar
Seventy five years of research and development 47
in litchi
Vishal Nath, Narayan Lal, Sanjay Kumar Singh,
Swapnil Pandey and Krishna Prakash
Post-independence scenario of table grape 62
cultivation in India
R.G. Somkuwar and Dhananjay N. Gawande
Five decades of research and development 70
of Kiwi fruit in India
K.K. Jindal, D.P. Sharma and Vishal S. Rana
Technological innovations in commercial high 78
tech horticulture, vertical farming and landscaping
R.V.S.K. Reddy, J. Omprasad and T. Janakiram
Contribution of microbiology in horticulture 92
in last 7 decades
Jyoti Bajeli, P.N. Rai and A.K. Sharma
Seventy five years of research and development 96
in nutraceuticals in horticultural crops
Dinesh Kumar and Manju Gurjar
Seventy five years of research in processing 103
and product pevelopment in plantation
crops - coconut, arecanut and cocoa
K.B. Hebbar, Pandiselvam R, Shameena Beegum
P.P. , Ramesh S.V., Manikantan M.R. and
Mathew A.C.
Assessment of seed spice squashes from dill, 120
fennel and coriander
Neelima Garg, Sanjay Kumar, Preeti Yadav,
Kaushlesh K. Yadav and Gopal Lal
Seasonal variations for oil content and fatty acid 124
composition in oil palm hybrids
K. Suresh, P. Anitha, K. Manorama and P. Kiran Babu
Identification of CMS-S male-sterile cytoplasm 129
among the bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.)
Dalasanuru Chandregowda Manjunathagowda,
Vijay Mahajan, Ram Dutta, Major Singh
Volume 11, Number 1, 2022
Seventy five years of research and development 1
in genetic resources of horticultural crops
S. K. Malik, Manuj Awasthi and Anuradha Agrawal
Fruit breeding in India: Achievements and way 11
B.N.S. Murthy, M. Sankaran and P.S. Nitin
Seventy five years of research and development 24
in arid fruit crops
P.L.Saroj, D.K.Sarolia and B.D.Sharma
Papaya research and development in India 36
- a review
M.R. Dinesh, Vasugi, C. and Pradeep Kumar
Seventy five years of research and development 47
in litchi
Vishal Nath, Narayan Lal, Sanjay Kumar Singh,
Swapnil Pandey and Krishna Prakash
Post-independence scenario of table grape 62
cultivation in India
R.G. Somkuwar and Dhananjay N. Gawande
Five decades of research and development 70
of Kiwi fruit in India
K.K. Jindal, D.P. Sharma and Vishal S. Rana
Technological innovations in commercial high 78
tech horticulture, vertical farming and landscaping
R.V.S.K. Reddy, J. Omprasad and T. Janakiram
Contribution of microbiology in horticulture 92
in last 7 decades
Jyoti Bajeli, P.N. Rai and A.K. Sharma
Seventy five years of research and development 96
in nutraceuticals in horticultural crops
Dinesh Kumar and Manju Gurjar
Seventy five years of research in processing 103
and product pevelopment in plantation
crops - coconut, arecanut and cocoa
K.B. Hebbar, Pandiselvam R, Shameena Beegum
P.P. , Ramesh S.V., Manikantan M.R. and
Mathew A.C.
Assessment of seed spice squashes from dill, 120
fennel and coriander
Neelima Garg, Sanjay Kumar, Preeti Yadav,
Kaushlesh K. Yadav and Gopal Lal
Seasonal variations for oil content and fatty acid 124
composition in oil palm hybrids
K. Suresh, P. Anitha, K. Manorama and P. Kiran Babu
Identification of CMS-S male-sterile cytoplasm 129
among the bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.)
Dalasanuru Chandregowda Manjunathagowda,
Vijay Mahajan, Ram Dutta, Major Singh